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Pre-IB Intro Evening 2020

On Wednesday, we held this year’s Intro Evening for the coming pre-IB students. Every year in June, we invite the prospective students to Nørre G before the summer vacation, so they can receive valuable information about school life, meet their contact teachers, and get to know their new classmates.
This year, however, the event was not quite as usual. Due to the Corona situation and the connected restrictions, the participants were seated in appropriate distancing in the large Assembly Hall; both space and disinfectants ensured safety.
After the welcome by Headmaster Jens Boe Nielsen and the comprehensive information session with IB Coordinator Jutta Rüdiger and the two pre-IB Team Leaders, Anne Fibiger Wilson and Lone Jeppesen, our IB DP/2i-tutors Parnica, Paris, Erik and Anouk initiated activities to have the new students introduce themselves to each other, ask questions and set up class groups on social media to facilitate their contact over the summer.
We are looking forward to welcoming our new pre-IB classes in the upcoming school year, starting on 12 August.