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Pre-IB Intro Evening 2019

This year’s pre-IB Intro Evening took place on Thursday 20 June. It is a traditional event at Nørre Gymnasium established to give the coming students the opportunity to get information about school life and meet their future classmates before the summer vacation – taking a bit of the edge off the nerves well ahead of the school start, so to speak.
The students and their parents were welcomed by IB Coordinator Jutta Rüdiger before team leaders Anne Wilson and Lone Jeppesen took over and guided the visitors through more detailed information about school start and their coming life as pre-IB students at Nørre Gymnasium.
As the last activity of the evening, the future students and tutors from the present pre-IB classes went to their classrooms without parents and teachers so they could get to know each other a bit better through name games and other fun activities initiated by the tutors.
We hope everyone had a great evening and look forward to receiving you all on 14 August for the first day of school!
Impressions from the evening
Many thanks to tutors Kavini, Benjamin, Claudia and Adeeb