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Assessment & Grades
Summative assessment
Students will be tested regularly in all subjects to monitor their understanding of the subject matter and their own progress. Overall feedback in the form of grades and statements about work habits will be given four times during the year - see calendar on "Lectio" : in November, March, May and June.
In pre-IB there are end-of-year exams (in June) in languages as well as in several subjects selected by the Ministry of Education (C-level, stx). Students apply for IB DP on 1 March; their academic record at that time decides on eligibility. Acceptance in pre-IB does not automatically lead to access to IB DP.
Danish grade scale
The grading system used in the pre-IB is the 7-point grading scale, which is used in all state-regulated education (starting August 2007). You will find an overview of the 7-point grading scale via this direct link.
For IB DP Year 1 (2i), written End-of-Year exams in June are conducted in all the six subjects chosen by the respective student - plus oral exams in languages A and B. All June is reserved for this purpose.
IB DP Year 2 (3i), written Mock Exams in all six subject areas take place in February/March to prepare for the final exams in May. Note: There are no Mock Exams in Langage A:Lit self-taught (SSST) and ToK.
The end-of-year assessment in May is a vital component in the school's decision about the student's eligibility for progress within the IB system. NOTE: There is no 'automatic' continuation from one year to the next.
IB grade scale
In the IB Diploma Programme, grades are given according to the following system (in pre-IB, grades follow the Danish system!):
IB grades and the Danish grade system
Information about the IB grade system and how IB grades are converted to fit the Danish grade system can be seen on: Recognition of IB diploma for admission to universities and colleges.
Direct link to the Grade Conversion Scale in Eksamenshåndbogen.
Source: Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet på baggrund af statistik fra Undervisningsministeriet og IBO