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Study Skills
Session 3
Session 3 Active learning: Memory issues and note taking
Research has demonstrated a relationship between how well you remember and active study strategies. The more actively you work with the material, i.e. ask questions to it, organise it, relate it to what you have already learnt, the more you understand and remember. Good note taking skills can help you organise the material you study but it is very important that you actively choose what to write in your notes. Don’t just copy the book.
SQR3 method of studying – or active reading
This is a general introduction to how to approach studying in an active and efficient way.
Memory and memory techniques
Active learning will help you to remember better. We sometimes forget more than we want but we can ensure that we forget less if we really try to remember using specific techniques. If we don’t understand what we learn, we forget more than 50 % within the first hour (See illustration). Memory is your good friend in learning so use this material to learn and reflect on memory. Be aware that being active learning takes time and demands effort and willingness to do your part. There is no easy way and the memory pill is still to be invented.
Take the memory test to find out how effective your techniques to learn and remember are.
Practice note taking to improve your memory: there is a relationship between making good notes and remembering.
Mnemonics are memory aids. Take a look at some examples here to give you an idea of how you could make some mnemonics yourself.
Ways to organise information for more effectively understanding and remembering.
Organisation of notes, note taking and note taking formats
- A good page on note taking using the Cornell note taking system
- A paper to use for the Cornell note taking system
- Mind mapping Graphical representations