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Great Information Evening

This year’s Information Evening for the pre-IB and the IB Diploma Programme (IB DP) was kicked off with a great performance by Nørre G’s talented Showband.
Headmaster Jens Boe Nielsen then gave an introductory welcome, and IB Coordinator Jutta Rüdiger followed up with her warm welcome to all the visitors – prospective future students and their parents.
After introducing the international programmes in general, the Coordinator continued with specific information about the pre-IB assisted by Paris and Parnica from our 1j class who helped illustrate the student perspective of the start and daily life at Nørre Gymnasium.
The IB Diploma Programme, our two-year education, was up next. Here, the Coordinator’s information was complemented by Saptak, a first year IB DP student who has recently embarked on the IB DP journey,
and we had a visit from IB graduate Rousse Gomez, whose journey continues outside Nørre G and the IB – but with the IB experience with her as a great advantage.
Anne Fibiger Wilson, our IB Student Counsellor, told the visitors about our student counselling specifically oriented at IB students and international studies as well as the many aspects of students’ lives where they can get help from the counsellor.
Following the counselling information, we had a great line-up of students representing some, but far from all, of the extracurricular activity groups at Nørre G – activities which contribute further to the development of the students.
After the joint event in the Assembly Hall, the guests were invited to continue in the Foyer where we had booths manned by engaged teachers and students presenting all the subjects and other information vital for making choices regarding an education in the International Programmes at Nørre Gymnasium.
Other students acted as tour guides for the visitors giving them a feel of the school itself as well as the learning environment.
We hope to see many of our visitors as students in the pre-IB or the IB DP at Nørre G in August.
More impressions from the evening
as well as by IB graduate Rousse Gomez, whose journey continues outside Nørre G and the IB – but with the IB experience with her as a great advantage.