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Throughout the years, we have answered the same questions many times. As a service to you, we have made a collection of answers to the most frequent questions here, so you won't have to ask us.
When is the school open?
As a general rule, there is free access to the school all weekdays between 7.00 and 16.30 The alarm is set every day at 17.00, after the janitor on closing duty has walked a round through the school.
The school office is open every day between 7.45 and 15.00. Tel.: +45 4494 2722. The office is located in the administration wing on the 1st floor.
Is there an AED available at the school?
We have two AED's (Automated External Defibrillator) at Nørre G. One is placed on the first floor in the central staircase and the other is outside by the main entrance. See more here.
Where do I find the school's Company Information?
Information regarding EAN number, CVR number, P number etc. is listed on the page "Contact".
What are the class hours and when are the breaks?
The classes are arranged by modules of 100 minutes with a break between each module. The module times are:
1st module: 8.00-9.35
2nd module: 9.50-11.25
3rd module: 11.55-13.30
4th module: 13.40-15.15
5th module: 15.20-16.55
When are the vacations and holidays?
Find the school's vacation schedule here
Do I need to pay to attend Nørre Gymnasium?
Basically: no - the tuition is free. Having said that, there are some costs associated with going to school here. Some examples are:
- Expenses in connection with class excursions (the school can grant a subsidy of up to DKK 50 per student)
- Study trips (basically DKK 4,500)
- Intro trip at the beginning of 1g/pre-IB (approx. DKK 800)
- Costs for materials and printing (approx. DKK 300, which is paid at the start of school)
In general, payments are made via GymBetaling.
The school has bought licenses for dictionaries and calculators on PCs for all students.
The school lends you books without a deposit, but you must, of course, replace lost and damaged books. You sign for receipt of each book and receive a receipt when the book is returned. You usually have to hand in the books at the end of each school year, but it may happen that another class needs to use the book during the year. If you do not hand in a book within two weeks of it being recalled, we will charge a fee of DKK 20.
When do we get grades?
The grades are given three times during the academic year: in the fall, in early spring and by the end of the year.
What is Lectio?
Lectio is the school's web-based administration program and electronic communication system. You need to log in to access Lectio. User name and guidance to first time access is handed out to new students by the team leader. Please share your login information with your parents, so they can kep oriented about school information and your progress. Please observe that names in Lectio are sorted by first name.
Lectio is used for
- the school’s schedule and changes in the schedule
- calendar, meetings and special activities
- communication between teachers and students and among the students by messages and documents
- lesson plans
- homework – oral and written
- student absence – registration and administration
- grades
- module administration for classes, subjects and teachers
- etc.
The teachers and the school’s administration can enter changes in the schedules etc. All changes to the schedule are visible to the teachers as well as to the students and parents from home via the internet (with login).
As Lectio is in Danish, we provide a glossary of the most used terms as well as of the subject terminology for the Pre-IB and the IB DP here.
In the Gymnasium all absences count when the absence percentage is calculated. Therefore, it is very important that you always remember to register the reason for your absence. This way the reasons can be taken into account if your total absence exceeds the limit. You will have a reminder and a link on your front page in Lectio for the modules where you have been absent.
If you know your absence percentage will be high, e.g. in case of long-term illness, you must contact the school (class team leader/student counsellor), so they can can take into consideration which measures to take for helping you stay up to date with homework etc.
Absence in connection with vacation outside the school holidays is not accepted. You can see all the official vacations and days off of the school year in the Vacation Schedule.
I have lost my student id - what do I do?
You can have a new one made by the Student Assistants at the Reception Office. There is a fee of DKK 50 which must be paid electronically before the id can be received.
When is the Book Depot (Bogkælderen) open?
Find information about the services provided by the 'Bogkælder' here.