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The LGBTQ+ Committee
Hey, we are Nørre G’s one-and-only LGBTQ+ committee!
At Nørre, the doors are open for everyone – no matter who you are, and of course this also goes for LGBTQ+ persons;)
In the committee, which is one of the largest at Nørre, we focus massively on creating a safe, accommodating, and really just mega awesome social environment no matter your background – and yes, this means everyone – hetero or homo; cis or trans.
By means of the committee, you get to know new people while also getting a deeper relationship with some of the people you might already know. We all help ensuring the safe and open atmosphere which makes our committee the fantastic and colourful group of people we are.
In the committee, we offer a wide range of exciting and enjoyable events such as sex education, board game nights, film night, and lots of other things:)
Giant hugs,
Nørre G’s LGBTQ+ committee