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Applying for SU
-State education grant (Statens Uddannelsesstøtte)
Applying for SU
- (The Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme)
Procedure: if you are a Danish citizen
- You cannot get SU until you have turned 18.
- You will be eligible for SU from either the 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, or 1st October after your 18th birthday. So, for example if you turn 18 on the 15th September, you will be eligible for SU from the 1st October.
- You can apply for SU a month in advance of the eligibility date. So, if you are eligible for SU from the 1st October, you will be able to apply online from the 1st September onwards.
- You must apply online at
- In order to be able to apply online, you need a digital signature, a so-called Nem-Id. You can apply for this from the site. Please note: it takes approximately 10 days.
- Please note: it normally takes between 2-4 weeks to process your SU application.
- How much SU you get will depend on your parents’ income. You can see the current SU rates at
Procedure: if you are not a Danish citizen
If you are not a Danish citizen, you must fulfil some extra conditions in order for you to be eligible for SU Please see more at
If you fulfil the extra conditions, the procedure is as follows:
- Put in an online application (please see above), i.e. you need to follow the same initial procedure as Danish students.
- Having successfully completed your online application, you must print out a receipt to confirm that your online application is complete. In addition to this, you must fill out an additional application form entitled “Oplysningsskema - Ansøgning om ligestilling med Danske Statsborgere” This form should be filled out by hand.
- You must hand in the receipt of your online application, the “oplysningsskema” and any additional documentation that has been asked for to me (AW). I will then check it though & send it in to SU Please note: the additional documentation that you will typically be asked for is a copy of your residence permit, as well as a copy of your parents’ tax returns from two years prior to the current year (So, if you are applying for SU in 2020, you will need a copy of your parents’ 2018 tax returns).
- Please note: you must hand in the necessary documentation within 21 days of your online application.
Procedure: “Udeboendesats” – Moving away from home.
Please note: the basic premise for all students in a “Youth Education Programme” (e.g. the IB Diploma Programme) is that students live at home and are classified as living at home. In other words, it is very important to note that students do NOT automatically qualify for the “Udeboendesats” if they move away from the parental home.
If you do move way from home, you will only be able to apply for the “Udeboendesats” if you fulfil and can document at least one of the following conditions
- Condition 1: There is a minimum of 20 kilometres between your parental home and Nørre Gymnasium.
- Condition 2: It takes more than 75 minutes for you to transport yourself from your parental home to Nørre Gymnasium.
- Condition 3: Discontinued.
- Condition 4: You have lived away from your parental home for a minimum of 12 months before you were eligible for SU.
- Condition 5: You can no longer live in your parental home due to special circumstances in the home (long term illness, very cramped living conditions).
To apply for “Udeboende SU”, please do the following:
- Log on to "MinSU"
- Go to "Ret din SU"
- Go to "“Ude-/hjemmeboende” and follow the instructions to change your status to “Udeboende”.
- Having done the above, go to “Udeboende – 18-19-årige”.
- Indicate the month that you applying for “Udeboende SU” from.
- Click on the button "Søg om udeboende sats - 18-19 årige"
Having done all the above, you will then need to download and fill out the form "Jeg søger SU med udeboendesats". You will need to hand in the form and the relevant documentation to the IB Student Counsellor. The relevant documentation will depend on the “Condition” (see above), but it must always include written proof that you have moved/are moving away from home, i.e. your new “sundhedskort”, as well as a copy of your rental contract.
IB Student Counsellor