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Candidate Information

The pre-IB and the IB DP at Nørre G present an offer to internationally mobile students, notably foreign students living in Denmark and Danes returning after several years in schools abroad, as well as Danish students who have finished folkeskolen/Danish 1g, respectively.

Being a public state school, Nørre G does NOT charge tuition or examination fees.

  • Admission to the pre-IB programme requires completion of grade 10 in Anglo-American types of secondary school programmes or the 9th or 10th grade in the Danish folkeskole (including 'efterskole' or an exchange year abroad) – or equivalent - with excellent academic results.
  • Admission to the two-year IB Diploma Programme requires completion of grade 11 in Anglo-American types of secondary school programmes - or the equivalent of the Danish 1g - also with excellent academic results.

Since both teaching and examinations are conducted in English, applicants must be proficient in English (on more than the common colloquial level) - and preferably also have some knowledge of Danish as IB students are encouraged to join the Danish students in extracurricular activities.

Admission criteria: See menu

Application forms
Applicants must use the relevant special application form which is available from the Nørre G website (see menu). Forms must be returned by post (=hard-copy) by 1 March (=arrival date) along with the following mandatory documents:

  • Latest report card(s) (if non-English or non-Danish: in official, authorized translation)
  • Reference from applicant's current or latest school (the focus of the reference should be on the applicant's academic record, potential, motivation as well as an assessment of his/her personal and social skills. The reference ought to be a comprehensive evaluation; i.e. not written by only one subject teacher)
  • Applicant's own presentation - hand-written only. (A detailed presentation of the applicant, including relevant reasons for applying to the pre-IB/IB programme at Nørre Gymnasium)
  • Photocopy of the applicant's passport
  • Photocopy of the applicant's Danish National Insurance Card ("sundhedskort") with CPR-number or Residence Permit from the Danish Immigration Authorities, valid for the full duration of the programme applied for. If not available at time of application, please provide as soon as possible.
  • Special needs (to be submitted to inform the school beforehand, official documentation for particular conditions)

PLEASE NOTE: It is the applicants' own responsibility to ensure the validity of their legal status in Denmark. The school is not involved in the process.

Applicants for the pre-IB must be aware of the following:

  • You must choose a language at “native language level” (either English A or Danish A; literature courses), choose a 1st foreign language (either English B or Danish B/Beginners Danish AB), choose a 2nd foreign language (either French B, German B, or Spanish AB ab initio) - You must take 3 languages in the pre-IB programme except if you take Beginners Danish AB. 
  • Your prioritised pre-IB science choices determine your IB DP science choices (i.e. you cannot choose a science in IB DP that you have not done in pre-IB). Inform yourself about potential university requirements of specific science subjects and/or levels.
  • You must choose science subjects in prioritised order (1/2/3) – write the appropriate number in the circles (two subjects will be followed in pre-IB)
  • We should be able to send out provisional reservation notices to all (1st priority) pre-IB applicants allocated to Nørre Gymnasium by 8 May.

NB! In addition to the hard copy application sent to the school, all applicants to the pre-IB (NOT to IB DP) must also apply on by 1 March and note pre-IB as their first priority. Find a guide in English to application in here. Later applications (until 1 November) must also be sent both directly to the school as well as registered in!

Applicants for the IB Diploma Programme must fill in subject choices - one subject from each of the six subject groups all within the same colour-coded column, i.e.:

  • Choose and clearly tick off ONE of the six colour-coded columns and mark the colour in column top. A combination of colums/colours is NOT possible due to subject blocks.
  • Within the chosen column, clearly circle one subject choice in each of the six groups (Groups 1-6). Exception: Bilingual speakers may choose two languages in Group 1 and no language in Group 2. 
  • You must choose 3 Higher Level (HL) subjects and 3 Standard Level (SL) subjects.
  • If you choose an A-"self-taught" SL language (SSST), please indicate (on the dotted line) the language that you intend to study. This option MUST be taken if English or Danish is not the best/native language and thus cannot be chosen as "native" A-language. SSST students will be mentored by a teacher at the school, but also need to provide a tutor to support them in their native language. If this is not possible, students need to embark on English A SL (literature option).
  • The school may ask applicants to change their subject choices if a subject/level cannot be established because too few applicants have chosen it. In the case of late applications, some subject options may not be available any longer as the courses are full.
  • The subject choices are BINDING for the duration of the IB DP. Only internal placement tests may influence these choices (subject teachers' professional evalation). However, levels may be adjusted.

Admission procedure
The selection of candidates for admission is primarily based on the latest grades and the reference from the previous school which should focus on the applicant’s ability to meet the very rigorous academic demands of the IB programme. Personal interviews and written tests may be set in the school by invitation.

All IB DP applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application by the end of April (via email to the applicant's email address). In the case of our positive response, the applicant is asked to confirm the place via email. Successful candidates will receive information about the introduction programme well in advance of the beginning of the new academic year in August. Relevant information will also be published on this website.

Further information is available from IB Coordinator Anne Fibiger Wilson (email or direct telephone +45 4454 4727). More information about life at Nørre G can be found on the school’s website.

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  1 March – Late applications will only be considered if there are vacancies. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

