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ToK Exhibition 2022

This year, the 3i ToK class was off to a flying, creative start with the 2nd annual Theory of Knowledge Exhibition at Nørre G – a new tradition started in 2021.
The students presented their posters to their teachers, classmates, and the IB Coordinator explaining their motives and thoughts behind the – very diverse – topics, layouts, and designs on show.
After making the round to all 37 student poster presentations, a top 8 was chosen with Florrie on the very top to be the first to choose her prize ;)
In preparation for the exhibition, the students had been asked to use the images of three objects to create their posters in answer to certain knowledge-question prompts. Some of the prompts were:
- How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief, and opinion?
- How might the context in which knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected?
- What are some constraints in the pursuit of knowledge?
Impressions of the 2022 ToK Exhibition and some of the posters
Top 8: Ravindu, Alex, Florence, Hiba, Sebastian, Losel, Kajsa, Laura