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Group 4 Project 2022

The Group 4 Project is a mandatory, interdisciplinary part of the IB Diploma Programme offered at our school and includes the experimental sciences (biology, chemistry, physics).
The project spans three days, and as the culmination of their work, the students must produce and present a poster outlining their investigations. Although the focus is on the working process, at Nørre G, the coveted Niels Bohr Award – including liquorish pipes – for the best poster and presentation is great motivation.
The project took place over three days including introduction, intense research and concentrated preparation before the student groups made the presentations of their posters and projects.
After the presentations, and while the students wrote their reflective statements, the teacher jury deliberated and among the many posters, projects and presentations decided that this year’s award should go to Florrie, Soheyl, and Sebastian for their project Practically Pretty Proportions, where they investigated the variation among students (and their teachers), compared them with Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man”, considered to have ideal proportions between height and arm span for a male, and correlated this ratio with the ability to jump as high as possible.
The second place went to a presentation named Does Size Matter? by Catarina, Francesca, Francisca, and Maryam who investigated the relationship between the volume of the hand (measured by lowering the hand into a beaker with water) and the strength of the hand grip.
The third place went to a presentation named I Spy with my Eye by Hiba, Jana, Nadia, and Selin who investigated the relationship between eye color and the ability to recognize letters of different size from a distance in bright and dim light.
All in all, it was a good experience for the students to work together and exchange ideas with classmates they usually meet only in their individual sciences. It was also great for the students to do relatively simple projects which would ensure sufficient amounts of good data to do proper data processing as an introduction to their Internal Assessments in the science subjects coming up in the autumn.
Preparations and presentations