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Pre-IB NV Excursion 2019

To mark the conclusion of the Basic Course (Grundforløb), our pre-IB students went on their traditional NV excursion. This year they went to Stevns Klint & Koldkrigsmuseet. It was an out-door day, so everyone brought warm clothes, food and drinks for all day.
Just five years ago, Stevns Klint was added to the list of the nine sites in Denmark (incl. Greenland and Faroe Is.) that are on the prestigious UNESCO list of World Heritage. Stevns got on the list for being THE BEST place on the entire planet to see a transitions between two major geological epochs of the World History, namely between the Cretaceous (Mesozoikum - the time of the dinosaurs) and the Tertiary (Cenozoikum - the time of the mammals incl. us humans). This is what the students are pointing at on one of the photos below.
After Stevns Klint the excursion continued at the Cold War Museum, which was a very important and top-secret military complex until year 2000 and opened as a museum a few years later. At the museum, the group went on a two-hour tour for guided by former personnel who had many anecdotes about how the conflict between East and West was being played by the superpowers. Here they saw all the weapons and military vehicles on display and entered the command centre situated 18 meters below the surface and drilled into the limestone. It was a fascinating experience to walk around in those tunnels, where the military personnel were on their daily duty so few years ago.
You can see more about the reason for placing Stevns Klint on the list of World Heritage on the UNESCO website, and you can read more about the Cold War Museum here.
Impressions from the day