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Entrance Test Stx
Some students who have applied to the Stx do not fulfill the requirement of a gradepoint average of 5 (Danish grade system) in their end term grades. These students must therefore take a test at their chosen Gymnasium, to evaluate whether they can be admitted. The applicable school will invite the applicants to the test by letter.
The test is written/online and takes place in June (paticipants must bring their own laptop). Applicants to the Stx at Nørre Gymnasium (1st priority) must take the test at Nørre Gymnasium on the date specified in the invitation letter.
More information about the test can be found on the Danish version of this page.
NB: Some applicants to the pre-IB may also be invited to an entrance test. Candidates for the pre-IB test are chosen from different criteria on the basis of their application, and this test is not the same as the Stx Entrance Test or 'Optagelsesprøve' for the stx. The test may take place on a different date than the Stx-test, and invitations will be sent by email directly from the IB department.