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Nørre G reads

Nørre Gymnasium has started an exciting new competition amongst the students this autumn: Nørre G reads. The idea was for the students to read a book, and then take a picture that includes the book and some sort of object or environment that reflects the contents of the book. The school hoped to inspire a group of students to grab a cup of tea, a warm blanket and a good book, so that students of Nørre G would discover the joy of reading. Reading can help to develop imagination, empathy and critical sense.
The pictures of the contestants were rated on how original and creative it was, and also how much it reflected that the reader enjoyed the book. Two students stood out as the best contestants. The winners of the competition are Nora Elisabeth Dohn from 2.b and Tue Andersen Jakobsen from 3.u. Nora read "The Wych Elm" by Tana French And Tue read "Hvem ringer klokkerne for/For whom the bell tolls" by Ernest Hemingway.
Thanks to all students who participated, and congratulations to both Nora and Tue.