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for 1g / pre-IB

Welcome to Nørre Gymnasium!
We are looking forward to welcoming all our new students when the new school year begins.  

Introduction before the summer vacation
To facilitate a good start, we usually conduct an Intro Evening for the coming pre-IB and their parents in June before the summer vacation. The pre-IB Intro Eve took place on Wednesday 19 June 202 at 19.00-21.00 hrsstarting in the Study Center (rooms 061/063). Both the students and their parents were expected to participate.

The evening began with a welcome by the IB Coordinator after which the Team Leaders provided comprehensive information for students and their parents about starting at Nørre Gymnasium. After this, the students gathered with their future classmates and IB tutors to socialize and be further introduced to Nørre G. You can find the English pre-IB version of the Power Point presentation from the Intro Evening on this page.

First day of school 2024
New students in pre-IB will start on Wednesday 14 August (at 9:00 hrs in rooms 061/063)
. 1st year IB DP students (=class 2i) will also start on 14 August as well (at 9:30 hrs. in rooms 061/063). 3i also start on 14 August (according to their Lectio schedule).

Intro trip in September
As a part of their intro course, it is tradition that all Nørre G first year classes undertake an over-night intro trip in Denmark where the focus will be on team building. The pre-IB intro trip 2024 will take place on 12-13 September. Info about price and payment given at the Intro Eve will be repeated shortly after the start of school.

Ventilen's presentation "A way out of Loneliness"
During September, all classes attended the presentation on youth loneliness by 'Ventilen' (the Valve). Time and place was posted in the students’ schedule. Ventilen is a nationwide youth organisation offering different types of events for young people who are lonely. You can get more information on Ventilen's website here (in Danish).

Parents' meeting for pre-IB
On Wednesday 28 August 2024, an evening meeting will be held for the pre-IB classes and their parents. 











