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Orienteringsaften STX 2023

On a cold and dark evening in in January the school welcomed 1300 visitors for the STX information evening.
You can see the full show at:
Nørre Gymnasium held the annual orientation evening for potential new student on wednesday the 18/1. The visiting, curious young folk and their parents, were received by our students at the entrance and led to the assembly hall, in which the school had prepared a show, that would introduce any possible future student to the spirit of Nørre Gymnasium.
The introduction was kickstarted by Nørre gymnasium’s show band, which consists of our own musically talented students, who played “Master Blaster” by Stevie Wonder. After the performance the two student hosts introduced themselves and the different features of the show.
First our principal Mette Vedel took to the stage. She held a speech about how Nørre Gymnasium, because of three things, is such a unique gymnasium: The international atmosphere, the academic excitement and, as the students say: “the ability to be yourself, together.”.
The visitors were also introduced to several students, who talked about their participation at the school outside of class hours. The students talked about how the activities and committees strengthens the social life and community at Nørre Gymnasium. As examples of this were the student council, the committee of literature and the knitting group.
Arts- and Design-teacher Cecilie Bepler also took to the stage to announce the launch of our new STX-programme. From the school year 23/24 and forward the school will offer a program consisting of Arts on A-level, mathematics on A-level and Informatics on C-level. You can read more about our new programme here.
To end the show, the student choir sang “Life on Mars” by David Bowie. Principal Mette Vedel and the student hosts resigned, and the visitors were then to explore the school. Outside the assembly hall, teachers and students had prepared stalls to represent all the different courses and student committees that the school offers.
We hope to see many of the visitors as a part of our community when school starts in August.