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Hat Ceremony 2018

This year, Nørre G's traditional IB Hat Ceremony was celebrated on Friday 18 May, after the last of the IB DP student cohort had sat her exam. The event took place in the school's foyer, festively decorated with fresh flowers and international flags. Everyone was in a joyful mood and spent a festive evening with lots of happy faces, smiles, and warm hugs.
While our IB DP2 students must still wait quite a while for the results of their exams, they and their families now gathered along with their subject teachers to celebrate the end of their two years studying at Nørre G, working towards the IB Diploma.
In her speech to the graduates, IB Coordinator Jutta Rüdiger underlined the importance of enjoying the journey to their future and appealed to the students to uphold values such as personal integrity, humanity, and gratitude in their lives... even more so in the kind of world we find ourselves in.
Assisted by Headmaster Jens Boe Nielsen, the IB Coordinator presented the students with their multi-flagged version of the traditional Danish graduation hat.
Graduates Marie and Nimra gave both warm and entertaining speeches.
and throughout the evening, the 2i band JJ and the Risk Takers provided great music, at times joined by graduates Aria and Sasha Bo.
The peak of the evening was – as always – the traditional act of throwing the hats into the air. - Thank you for the memories, and best of luck out there!