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Graduation 2024

Happy young people, proud parents and teachers, sunshine and high spirits this is the description of the Graduation Celebration – the year’s most festive day at Nørre G.
The 2024 graduate cohort comprised 306 students from the Danish Stx and 42 from the IB DP.
Furthermore, we have had good experience with more room for participants with two rounds for 6-7 classes and the up to 4 family members each they could invite.
As per the Nørre G tradition, the Graduation ceremony contained all the festive elements: showband – this year with show dancers – the principal’s speech to the graduating students, the valedictorian speech – one for each round – handing out of diplomas and grants and last – but not least – the festive sending off in the decorated trucks towards a fun day making the rounds to the proud families.
Valedictorian speeches
Dima Badal Rashu, 3y Round 1
Laurits Gyberg Jensen, 3w Round 2
Grants of the year (in Danish):
Rektor Ingeborg Hasselriis Legat
- for god opførsel og forstandigt arbejde
Leah Rebecca Raskin Nielsen, 3d
Tidligere Elevers legat
- til elever, som har profileret skolen på en særlig flot måde og til elever, som har samlet skolen.
Eigil Skotte Højlo, 3i
Sigrid Fog,3c
Tidl. Rektor Karen Kjærs og Lektor Sophie Petersens legat- for højeste studentereksamen
Mona Næsby Thisted
Tidligere Rektor Ib Fischer Hansens Legat
- for en særlig indsats indenfor det kreative område på Nørre G.
Elias Kim Nord, 3x
Nørre Gymnasiums sprogambassadører, som vi tager afsked med i år, fik også en gave for indsatsen:
Anna Vyff 3a, Anna Lund 3a, Clara 3a, Mariella 3a og Selma 3a.
Impressions from the Graduation Celebration: