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Graduation 2021
Finally, the most festive day of the Nørre G year arrived – Graduation day where we celebrate the year’s graduating students. The 2021 graduate cohort comprised 292 students from the Danish Stx and 43 from the IB DP.
We still have COVID-regulations to adhere to so, this year, we had two rounds of for 6-7 classes and their two family members each. Since many family members and friends could not attend, both rounds of the event streamed live via a link on the school website.
Despite the restrictions, the Graduation ceremony contained all the traditional elements: owbant – this year with show dancers – the principal’s speech to the graduationg students, the valedictorian speech – one for each round – handing out of diplomas and grants and last – but not least – the festive sending off in the decorated trucks towards a fun day making the rounds to the proud families.
Agnes Bjørn Jensen (3a) Round 1
Jakob Kargo Mortensen (3x) Round 2
Grants of the year (in Danish)
Rektor Ingeborg Hasselriis Legat–
for ”god opførsel og forstandigt arbejde”
Agnes Bjørn Jensen (3a)
Andrea Arendt (3i)
Emil Homaidi (3z)
Clara Åberg-Martins (3x)
Tidligere Elevers legat
Gives gerne til elever, som har profileret skolen på en særlig flot måde og til elever, som har samlet skolen)
Luna Calov jacobsen (3d)
Maria Würtz Rasmussen (3c)
Victor Egeberg Larsen (3x)
Bestyrelsesformandens Legat
Gives til en elev – eller her: en gruppe elever, som har ydet en særlig indsats, som skolens ledelse og lærere finder, har bidraget til at gøre Nørre G til et spændende sted):
Silje Lindhart Sørensen (3d)
William Berendtsen (3z)
Tidligere rektor Ib Fisher Hansens legat
– for særlig indsats for det kreative og musiklivet på Nørre G
Astrid Lundquist (3a)
Tidl. Rektor Karen Kjærs og Lektor Sophie Petersens legat
– for højeste studentereksamen
Sarah Alexandra Hochstenbach Fink-Jensen (3z) Karakter: 12,1
Impressions from the Graduation