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FLE 2024

This year's FLE-party (Danish: Forælder-Lærer-Elev-fest) was held on April 20 2024. It was an amazing night with good mood and great company. The classes arrived at staggered times, and the 3g and 3i students were then the first to dance the classical dance Les Lanciers. Afterwards, the teachers and 3g/3i parents had the opportunity to dance Les Lanciers together, as the parents had had a chance to have Les Lanciers dance lessons from the P.E. teachers in the week prior.
Principal Mette was the host for the Les Lanciers dance where Nørre G's talented musicians played the classical Les Lanciers tune incredibly during all of the performaces, with cello, saxophone and violin on stage. There were only good vibes when the dancers left the Hall.
After parents and teachers, the rest of the students danced in assigned groups in the Hall. Then the FLE-guests ate with their own classes, where many classes had arranged quizzes or games as entertainment. Nørre G All Stars had the dance floor buzzing with live bangers in the Foyer.
The bar in the Foyer was open for buying refreshments all night.
Thank you for a wonderful night, Nørre G!
Pictures from the night