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IB Information Evening 2024

The IB Information Evening of 2024 took place on Tuesday 16 January. This is the event where many potential applicants interested in the pre-IB and the IB Diploma Programme come to explore the possibilities of the IB World school at Nørre Gymnasium.


The joint presentation in the Assembly Hall was kicked off with a great performance by Nørre G’s talented Showband.


After a welcome by Principal Mette Vedel, IB Coordinator Anne Fibiger Wilson took over and, with the help of other teachers, counsellors and students presented the many aspects of the IB DP, pre-IB and how to apply.

Not least of these was the long line-up of students telling the guests about some, but far from all, of the extracurricular activity groups at Nørre G – activities which contribute further to the development of the students.


After the joint presentation it was time to meet all the students and teachers representing all the subjects, the Core, the extracurricular activities, and the support and guidance in the booths in the foyer. The guests could also get a guided tour around the school by our service minded tour guide students.




We hope to see many of our visitors as students in the pre-IB or the IB DP at Nørre G in August. Find more information about the programmes and the application process here.


More impressions from the evening


The joint presentation in the Assembly Hall was also live streamed


Present and previous students telling the potential applicants about their experience in and outside the international programmes at Nørre Gymnasium










