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Project Research Trainee 2022 
 - Final Workshop

This year's Project Research Trainee ended with the Poster Presentation at Nørre Gymnasium on Tuesday 15 November


Forskerpraktik elever præsenterer


Project Research Trainee is a yearly course that Christianshavns Gymnasium and Nørre Gymnasium put together in cooperation. In the course, a group of students are matched with a researcher from at Danish university. The students will cooperate with the researcher by looking into his reasearch, understanding the theory, and asking critical questions. To end the course the group of students will have to make a poster, which needs to show that the students understand their research and that they are capable of further mediation. 

Both the students of Christianshavns Gymnasium and the researchers arrived at the school at lunchtime. They were guided to our drama classroom where they were welcomed with coffee, cake and fruit. The students were placed in three classrooms, three groups in each in order to practice their presentations. After the practice presentations, the real presentation round started, where the students and researchers walked around the different groups hearing about research and browsing posters. 

Because it was the final workshop of Project Research Trainee, the school arranged for a visit from guest researcher Jacob Dahl Rendtorff from RUC. Jacob Dahl Rendtorff held a lecture about academic freedom and politics in research.

At the end of the day the students were presented with diplomas, and the groups with the best posters received awards. The award for best poster was given to a group studying nanotechnology and biosensors. In this group, Dan Lam from 3x and Anushree Varma from 2i are students at Nørre gymnasium.

Nørre gymnasium thanks students and researchers for this year's Project Research Trainee. The project will be back next year. 


Diplom- og præmieoverrækkelse


Elever fra Nørre G med deres poster


Vinderposteren 2022







AsL 17NOV22


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