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IB Hat Ceremony 2021

Although we are not yet back to ‘normal’ procedures, we are happy that, this year, our graduating IB students were able to sit their exams physically at the school with the final exam on Thursday 20 May.
On Friday, we held a COVID-safe version of our traditional Hat Ceremony celebrating our graduating cohort of IB students having reached the end of their time at Nørre G. As we were not able to invite their parents, we streamed the event so they could ‘participate’ virtually from home.
After Principal Mette Vedel welcomed everyone, she gave her speech to the graduating IB Students thanking them for their time with us at Nørre Gymnasium and wishing them a great future where they should stay strong, confident and curious!
Then it was time for the valedictorian speech held by Andrea Babette Pedersen Arendt who focused on all the good times the students had had together in spite of COVID.
After the speeches, we were entertained by the 3i Band – Abtin, Ben, William, Marcus, Kavini and Andrea – thank you for the music.
We wouldn’t want to miss the traditional Hats in the Air-moment and, fortunately, the weather was with us with picture perfect sunshine and blue skies above.
With all the important points ticked off the list, it was time to relax with a drink and a chat among students and teachers to round off the day.
We wish the 2021 cohort all the best for their future and cross our fingers for great results on 6 July.
More impressions and ‘behind the scenes’