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Nørre G's Anniversary 2018

200 years ago, Mrs. Wroblewsky opened her school for 40 young girls and thereby laid the foundation for Nørre Gymnasium. Today we offer upper secondary education to more than 1,100 students – this is cause for celebration!

Former students and teachers are invited to an Anniversary Reception on Friday 28 September.

Programme for the event 

16.00-17.00 hrs.: Arrival at the school. Refreshments in the foyer

17.00-18.00 hrs.: Entertainment in the Assembly Hall 

  • We sing the Nørre G song
  • Present students’ showband
  • Welcome by Headmaster Jens Boe Nielsen
  • Former students’ showband
  • Pecha Kucha by Vice Principal John Hansen
  • Nørre Gymnasium today - film
  • How and where to meet your former classmates
  • Historic students’ choir
  • Conclusion


18.15-19.00 hrs.: Time to enjoy a stroll down memory lane either in general in the Foyer or in assigned classrooms for meetings by graduation year.

Historical elements
Elements of Nørre Gymnasium’s history will be on display around the school.